Zubeen Garg - Wikiunfold
Zubeen Garg is an Indian singer, music director, composer, lyricist, music producer, actor, film director, film producer, script writer and philanthropist.
Full Name Zubeen Garg
Date of Birth 18-November-1972 (52 years)
Birth Location Tura, Meghalaya
Gender Male
Nationality India

FAQ (Frequently Asked Questions)

Zubeen Garg is 52 years old

Zubeen Garg was born on 18-November-1972

Zubeen Garg was born in Tura, Meghalaya


  • https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Zubeen_Garg
  • https://www.facebook.com/ZUBEENsOFFICIAL
  • https://mobile.twitter.com/zubeengarg1

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