Bigg Boss is a popular reality TV show in India that has been airing since 2006. It is based on the concept of the international show "Big Brother" and involves contestants living together in a house, isolated from the outside world. The show has completed many seasons so far and has been a major source of entertainment for Indian audiences. Each season has a different theme, with contestants from different walks of life including actors, models, politicians, and ordinary citizens.
The contestants participate in various tasks and challenges, with the audience voting to determine the winner. The show is known for its dramatic twists, confrontations, and controversies, which keep the audience engaged and entertained. Despite criticism for its often controversial content, Bigg Boss remains one of the most watched and talked-about shows in India.
The first season of Bigg Boss was hosted by actor Arshad Warsi and featured celebrities like Rahul Roy, Carol Gracias, a ...
The second season was hosted by actress Shilpa Shetty and featured a mix of celebrities and commoners. The season was wo ...
The third season was hosted by actor Amitabh Bachchan and featured only celebrities as housemates. The season was won by ...
The fourth season was hosted by actor Salman Khan and featured celebrities like Shweta Tiwari, Dolly Bindra, and Sameer ...
The fifth season was hosted by Sanjay Dutt and featured a mix of celebrities and commoners. The season was won by Juhi P ...
The sixth season was hosted by Salman Khan and featured celebrities like Imam Siddique, Sana Khan, and Urvashi Dholakia, ...
The seventh season was hosted by Salman Khan and featured celebrities like Gauahar Khan, Tanisha Mukherjee, and Armaan K ...
The eighth season was hosted by Salman Khan and featured a mix of celebrities and airplane crew members. The season was ...
The ninth season was hosted by Salman Khan and featured a mix of celebrities and commoners. The season was won by Prince ...
The tenth season was hosted by Salman Khan and featured a mix of celebrities and commoners. The season was won by Manvee ...
The eleventh season was hosted by Salman Khan and featured celebrities like Shilpa Shinde, Hina Khan, and Vikas Gupta, a ...
The twelfth season was hosted by Salman Khan and featured a mix of celebrities and commoners. The season was won by Dipi ...
The thirteenth season was hosted by Salman Khan and featured celebrities like Sidharth Shukla, Asim Riaz, and Rashami De ...
The fourteenth season was hosted by Salman Khan and featured celebrities like Rubina Dilaik, Rahul Vaidya, and Nikki Tam ...
The fifteenth season was hosted by Salman Khan and featured a mix of celebrities and commoners. The season was won by Um ...
The sixteenth season was hosted by Salman Khan and the season was won by MC Stan. It features a mix of celebrities and c ...
The seventeen season was hosted by Salman Khan and the season was won by Munawar Faruqui. It features a mix of celebriti ...