Sarvadaman Chowla - Wikiunfold
Sarvadaman Chowla was an eminent Indian mathematician who made significant contributions to the field of number theory. He was born on October 22, 1907, in Lahore, which was then part of British India (now in Pakistan). Chowla obtained his education from the University of the Punjab and Cambridge University. Chowla's work primarily focused on analytic number theory, particularly the study of the distribution of prime numbers. He made notable contributions to topics such as the Riemann zeta function, exponential sums, and Diophantine equations. His research often involved combining techniques from analysis, algebra, and combinatorics to solve intricate mathematical problems.
Full Name Sarvadaman Chowla
Date of Birth 22-October-1907 (116 years)
Birth Location London, England
Gender Male
Category Academics

FAQ (Frequently Asked Questions)

Sarvadaman Chowla is 116 years old

Sarvadaman Chowla was born on 22-October-1907

Sarvadaman Chowla was born in London, England



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