Manjul Bhargava - Wikiunfold
Manjul Bhargava is a renowned mathematician of Indian origin. He was born on August 8, 1974, in Hamilton, Ontario, Canada, but he grew up in the United States. Bhargava is known for his significant contributions to number theory, a branch of mathematics that deals with the properties and relationships of numbers. Bhargava's work revolves around understanding and solving problems related to quadratic forms and their applications. He is particularly famous for his breakthroughs in the study of elliptic curves, a fundamental topic in number theory. His research has advanced our understanding of the distribution of the number of solutions to certain equations, known as the "average rank" of elliptic curves.
Full Name Manjul Bhargava
Date of Birth 08-August-1974 (49 years)
Birth Location Hamilton, Ontario, Canada
Gender Male
Category Academics

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Manjul Bhargava is 49 years old

Manjul Bhargava was born on 08-August-1974

Manjul Bhargava was born in Hamilton, Ontario, Canada



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