Amulya Barua - Wikiunfold
Amulya Barua was a prominent Assamese poet, playwright, and novelist from the state of Assam in Northeast India. He was born on June 30, 1922, in Jorhat, Assam, and passed away on August 18, 1946. Amulya Barua was killed in the infamous communal violence of Bengal in 1946 along with many of his hostel mates at Raja Ram Narayan Street, Calcutta. Amulya Barua is considered one of the most significant figures in Assamese literature.
Full Name Amulya Barua
Date of Birth 30-June-1922 (24 years)
Birth Location Jorhat, Assam Province, British Raj
Gender Male
Language Assamese
Death Time 18-August-1946
Death Location Calcutta

FAQ (Frequently Asked Questions)

Amulya Barua was 24 years old

Amulya Barua was born on 30-June-1922

Amulya Barua was born in Jorhat, Assam Province, British Raj



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