Yash Tandon - Wikiunfold
Yashpal Tandon is a Ugandan policymaker, political activist, professor, author and public intellectual. He has lectured extensively in the areas of International Relations and Political economy. He was deeply involved in the struggle against the dictatorship of Idi Amin in 1970's Uganda and has spent time in exile.
Full Name Yash Tandon
Date of Birth 21-June-1939 (85 years)
Birth Location Kaberamaido, Uganda
Gender Male
Nationality India

FAQ (Frequently Asked Questions)

Yash Tandon is 85 years old

Yash Tandon was born on 21-June-1939

Yash Tandon was born in Kaberamaido, Uganda


  • https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Yash_Tandon

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