Uday Raj Chopra is an Indian actor, film producer, director, screenwriter and assistant director in Bollywood. He is the son of the late filmmaker Yash Chopra and brother of Aditya Chopra. His sister-in-law is the actress Rani Mukerji and his cousins are film director Karan Johar and film producer Vidhu Vinod Chopra.
Full Name |
Uday Chopra |
Date of Birth |
(51 years)
Gender |
Male |
Nationality |
india |
FAQ (Frequently Asked Questions)
Uday Chopra is 51 years old
Uday Chopra was born on 05-January-1973
Uday Chopra was born in -
- https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Uday_Chopra
- https://www.instagram.com/udayc/