Shwetak Patel - Wikiunfold
Shwetak Patel is a prominent computer scientist and entrepreneur. He is well-known for his contributions to the fields of human-computer interaction (HCI), sensing systems, and energy sustainability. Patel has made significant advancements in creating technologies that leverage everyday devices to monitor and enhance various aspects of people's lives. Some of his notable achievements include the development of novel sensing techniques that use existing infrastructure, such as electrical wiring or water pipes, to monitor energy usage and occupancy in buildings. This work has important implications for energy conservation and management.
Full Name Shwetak Patel
Date of Birth 09-December-1981 (43 years)
Birth Location Selma, Alabama, USA
Gender Male
Category Academics

FAQ (Frequently Asked Questions)

Shwetak Patel is 43 years old

Shwetak Patel was born on 09-December-1981

Shwetak Patel was born in Selma, Alabama, USA



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