Anant Agarwal - Wikiunfold
Anant Agarwal is a prominent computer scientist and educator. He is best known as the CEO of edX, an online learning platform that offers a wide range of courses and educational content from top universities and institutions worldwide. EdX was co-founded by Anant Agarwal and MIT in 2012. Anant Agarwal is also a professor of electrical engineering and computer science at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT). He has made significant contributions to the field of computer architecture and parallel computing. Beyond his academic and entrepreneurial endeavors, Anant Agarwal has been an advocate for open-source education and the use of technology to improve access to quality education globally. Under his leadership, edX has become one of the leading platforms for massive open online courses (MOOCs) and has helped millions of learners around the world access high-quality educational content.
Full Name Anant Agarwal
Date of Birth 08-June-1959 (65 years)
Birth Location Mangalore, India
Gender Male
Category Academics

FAQ (Frequently Asked Questions)

Anant Agarwal is 65 years old

Anant Agarwal was born on 08-June-1959

Anant Agarwal was born in Mangalore, India



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